Rutherford SheridaN

Family Law


Child access, contact or visitation all refer to the maintenance of personal relations between a parent and a child where the child does not live with the parent. It is both a parental right and responsibility. Parents sometimes find themselves having to fight to see their children. Whether the child is living with the other parent or another family member we can help secure contact where this is deemed to be in the best interests of the child. We have extensive experience representing clients from pre-litigation correspondence to evidential hearings. Legal aid is available where clients are financially eligible


Where children live sometimes becomes an issue of dispute. We can assist mothers, fathers, grandparents or other family members obtain a legal order specifying where a child shall live. We can ensure that you are fully represented at all stages of proceedings. We have significant experience presenting cases at child welfare hearings and proofs if court proceedings become necessary. Legal aid is usually available for individuals who qualify financially.

Parental Rights and Responsibilities

Besides where children live and what contact someone should have with a child, parents have various other parental rights and responsibilities. These include making decisions about medical treatment, education, holidays and social activities. We can provide expert advice to parents about exercising these rights and responsiblites and how to enforce their rights. We can also assist family members who are caring for children but do not hold parental rights and responsiblities gain the necessary rights and responsiblties to meet the needs of the children. Legal Aid is usually available for all types of cases, subject to financial assessment.